Albert Tomàs
Albert Tomàs
Masquefa, 1990. Albert Tomàs holds a doctorate with an extraordinary award from the UAB (2023), with a thesis on the medieval Catalan translation of Agustin's City of God, a version which also incorporates Thomas Waleys' commentary, supervised by Josep Pujol. He is currently maître de langues de Catalan at the Université de Lille. He has been a grantee and contracted researcher in the Traces project (2015-2018), FI predoctoral grantee of the Generalitat de Catalunya (2019-2022) and has taught at the Department of Catalan Philology of UAB (2019-2022) and at Sorbonne Université ( 2022-2024). Between 2020 and 2022 Albert undertook two research stays at the École Pratique des Hautes Études in Paris, with Professor Fabio Zinelli. During this period he also trained at the École de Chartres with professor Frédéric Duval. His research interests focus, above all, on the cultural milieu of the medieval Catalan courts, on the reception and influence of the classics on Catalan literature, and on textual criticism.